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Burning Desires part 3
Ugh. What the? Where am I? What happened?" a confused Theresa said," Wait. Oh yea the plane. I thank god that I am alive."

She stumbles to get up. Seeing that this island or whatever is emplylike she searches for something like a shelter or something.

"I better get a fire going if I wanna make it through the night."

She goes to find some wood. She finds some and makes a fire from her skills she learned from her mama.

"Great. Now all I need now is food."

She laughs a bit then sits in the warmth.
"Where am I? That plane. Crash landed? I swam. Here. This is like an island?", A stunned Ethan thought.

He gets up and sees a light. Like a fire or something. He stumbles to get closer to see if it is a fire.

"Ah. A fire. I must go there. To get warm. He starts to walk to the fire and stops.

"What the?!?!"